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Do I need physical therapy for a sprained ankle?

Do I Need Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle?

Question: Do I need physical therapy for a sprained ankle? 

Spraining an ankle is very common. Unfortunately, many individuals don’t seek medical attention for a sprained ankle, because they don’t think of it as a serious injury. While it may not seem as serious as a broken ankle, sprained ankles can become chronic problems if not treated correctly. Ankles can lose their range of motion and stability if the ankle is not rehabilitated properly. If this happens, the chance of reinjuring your ankle increases when normal ankle movement and motor control is not restored.  

The longer you wait to treat a sprain, the more your condition may worsen. This is especially true if you’re experiencing severe pain, swelling or are not able to bear any weight on that foot.  However, even minor sprains can become a chronic problem when preventable poor habits are developed when walking or running. 

How Can Physical Therapy Help a Sprained Ankle?

If you or your child sprain an ankle, our team at Twin Boro Physical Therapy can help. We will put together a customized physical therapy program to decrease pain and aid in recovery. Our overall goal is to get you back standing and walking normally as quickly as possible and help you prevent future injuries. 

Reduce Pain

Depending on the grade of your sprain, a physical therapist may use techniques such as heat, ice, ultrasound and manual therapy to specifically treat swelling and pain. 

Read More: Finding Relief for Throbbing Ankle Pain >>

Restore Balance

During a standard course of physical therapy for a sprained ankle, patients learn ways to restore balance and improve stability. Individualized physical therapy techniques will help you move more effectively in the future to reduce chances of a fall or injury. Your therapist may also utilize specialized training programs based on the sports or activities you enjoy.

Improve Strength and Mobility

Strength and mobility work side-by-side, enabling more efficient and safer movement. Your physical therapist will create a tailored program of exercises and movements for your specific condition. A combination of in office, guided techniques and at home follow up exercises, will build up strength, while keeping your feet and ankles moving correctly for normal function. 

Reduce the Chance of a Future Injury

According to WebMD, people that suffer from a sprained ankle have a 70 percent chance of being injured again. A skilled physical therapist can significantly decrease the probability of reinjury. Whether you’re suffering from a sprained ankle or any other type of foot injury, a physical therapist can provide therapy techniques to help you get back to your regular activities and keep injuries at bay.

Read More: Returning to Activity: Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle >>

New Jersey Twin Boro Physical Therapy for a Sprained Ankle

When dealing with a sprained ankle, the recovery time will vary from individual to individual. If you or a loved one is dealing with a common sprained ankle, you may not have to wait very long until you’re feeling healthy again. However, if you waited too long or did significant damage to the ankle ligaments, expect to be off your feet for a while. 

Don’t just wait it out. Talk to a qualified physical therapist to learn how you can speed up recovery and prevent reinjury.

Read more about ankle ligament damage >>

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