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If you are interested in improving your balance, Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers vestibular rehabilitation for all New Jersey residents. 

Twin Boro Physical Therapy is conveniently located for New Jersey residents to seamlessly integrate rehabilitation into their everyday lives. With 51 locations across 13 counties, Twin Boro Physical Therapy prides itself on offering convenient, affordable, and accessible rehabilitation services.

6 Physical therapy exercises for balance

  1. Marches in place

Vestibular Rehabilitation in New Jersey: Improve Your BalanceStand near a wall or other sturdy object and march in place for 15 seconds to one minute. As you gain more confidence, you can perform this exercise on different surfaces that challenge your balance, such as carpet, foam, grass, or sand. You may gradually move away from your hand support and may begin marching in a line or pattern.

  1. Side steps

Face a wall, countertop, or other sturdy surface where you can comfortably rest your hands while standing. Point your toes toward the surface and begin to walk side to side while maintaining your gaze forward. As you improve, you may move away from the wall or begin using a resistance band around your thighs or ankles to increase the challenge.

  1. Standing kicks

Stand near a wall or other sturdy object and lean so that all of your support is one one leg. Extend the other leg in front of you and slowly raise it upwards then lower back down. Next, raise your leg out to the side, then gently lower. Last, kick your leg behind you slowly and raise it to the back, squeezing your glutes. Return the leg to the starting position and repeat the sequence 5 to 15 times. As you gain more confidence, you can perform this exercise on different surfaces that challenge your balance, such as carpet, foam, grass, or sand. You may gradually move away from your hand support.

  1. Chair squats

Practice your balance by slowly sitting down in a chair and standing back up. Try not to use your arms to help you rise and lower, though you may need a little extra support at first. You can perform this exercise while watching tv or talking on the phone. Repeat as many times as you can.

  1. Stand on one leg

Stand on one leg near a sturdy surface such as a wall or countertop. Try to stay on one leg for up to 30 seconds or longer. Remember – you will build balance over time, so don’t be discouraged if you start with only 1 or 2 seconds. As you become more comfortable, you can challenge yourself to perform tasks while standing on one leg, such as talking on the phone or washing your hands. 

  1. Walking heel-to-toe

Stand at the base of a straight line on the ground. This can be a line you place with tape, paint on a court, or a crack in the driveway or sidewalk. Start walking forward slowly, placing your heel directly in front of your toes and repeating this movement. You should feel like you are walking on a tightrope. When you begin, make sure you have a wall or sturdy support near you. As you improve, you can challenge yourself to stay away from the wall and walk on different kinds of surfaces.

Let’s begin!

Vestibular rehabilitation can help you improve your balance and enhance your quality of life. To get started at Twin Boro Physical Therapy, call 732.554.0775 or visit our website.

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