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  • Did you know that the majority of states do not have laws requiring cyclists to wear a helmet? Studies have shown an 85% decrease in the risk of head injury when wearing a helmet while cycling.

  • Did you know that when riding a bike your elbows should be slightly flexed? Having the elbows flexed will allow the upper extremities to act as shock absorbers to decrease the stresses on your body.

  • Did you know there is risk involved in riding with other bikers? The risk is minimized by communicating with other riders in the group regarding road conditions ahead and warning of upcoming turns and other changes in direction. Also spacing between riders should correspond with the amount of experience the riders have riding in a group. More experienced group riders will be able to minimize the spacing between bikes. Less experienced riders should increase their spacing to decrease the risk of collisions with other riders in the group.

  • Did you know that wearing padded cycling shorts the risk of urogenital injury is decreased? A wider seat that is padded and tilted for comfort can also help a male rider avoid or minimize this common biking problem.

  • Did you know that foot numbness and tingling are common problems associated with cycling? Cycling requires properly fitting equipment including footwear and pedals in order to ride with comfort.

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