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Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Bayonne offers Bayonne, NJ, residents the best physical therapy available “near me.” Our experts are dedicated to learning the latest methods and rehabilitative techniques, and we ensure each patient is on track for success.

Best Physical Therapy Near Me in Bayonne, NJ

Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers one-on-one patient-therapist pairing to improve outcomes and help our patients remain involved in their care. At each stage, your therapist will evaluate your progress and make the modifications needed to keep you on track. We believe in intentional physical therapy, and we make every moment count.

Toe walking in children

Many children walk on their toes, which is a normal part of children exploring movement abilities and testing boundaries. However, excessive toe walking may signal an area of concern and can lead to developmental abnormalities. Simple exercises and stretches can prevent any adverse effects from occurring in many cases.

Depending on the reason your child is walking on their toes, recommended course of action may be different. An expert physical therapist can assist you in determining the root cause and create a custom plan to minimize any effects. The most common reasons for excessive toe walking include:

  • Tight calf muscles
  • Weak muscles in the front of the leg (muscles that lift the foot off of the ground)
  • Sensory concerns with placing the feel on the ground

However, in many cases, the cause appears undetermined. Through exercises and stretches, the cause may emerge, or the problem may simply resolve itself. Our recommendations for at-home stretches and exercises include:

Stretching the calf

Have your child sit on the ground with their legs extended in front of them. Gently lift one foot and slowly press the toes back towards their body. The ankle should be the source of movement for the foot. Stop when you meet resistance. Your child should not feel any pain. Hold this stretch for up to 30 seconds.

Stair climbs

Help your child build muscles in their legs by having them climb stairs. Try to make this fun by having a treasure hunt with clues that alternate locations on different floors to encourage them to climb the stairs. Afterward, make sure you encourage your child to stretch!

Squatting exercise

Help your child learn to put pressure on their heels by having them squat to pick up their toys or other fun objects. Perhaps you can move around the room with them and encourage them to squat for each toy and count them to see how many they can collect.

Single leg stands

Help your child practice placing weight on the bottom of their foot by having them balance on one foot. You can make this fun by having them perform tasks while on one foot, such as clapping or brushing their teeth. Balancing on one foot is good for everyone – if you can, try to have a competition with them to see who can stand for longest.

When helping your child learn not to toe walk, the key is to make it fun. Incorporating activities and fun exercises to hold their attention is likely to help them complete the movement or stretch repeatedly, and consistency is key.

Let’s get started!

Are you looking for the best physical therapy “near me” in Bayonne, NJ? Look no further than Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Bayonne. To get started today, contact our office by calling 201-347-0551 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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