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Limited wrist mobility can impact the ability to perform daily activities, from typing and writing to cooking, cleaning, and even driving. Various factors contribute to wrist mobility problems, including injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures. Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, overuse, repetitive motions, and poor posture also commonly affect wrist mobility. At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we understand that wrist mobility is vital to our patient’s quality of life. That is why our certified hand therapists are dedicated to providing comprehensive rehabilitation and hand therapy services to improve wrist mobility. We will work closely with your physician to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Strength and Flexibility Exercises for Wrist Mobility 

Improved Wrist Mobility with Hand TherapyFlexion and Extension: Wrist flexor and extensor stretches are simple exercises that can help improve wrist flexibility and reduce pain. Wrist Flexion is the movement of bending the wrist downwards towards the palm. This motion brings your hand closer to your forearm. You can think of it like making a fist, where your fingers curl towards your palm. Wrist extension is the movement of bending the hand backward, towards the forearm, and away from the palm. For example, if you hold your arm out in front of you and then point your fingers upwards towards the ceiling, that movement is wrist extension. 

  • Wrist Flexion Stretch – To stretch the wrist flexor muscles, you can hold your arm out in front of you with your palm facing down and gently pull your fingers back towards your wrist with your other hand. You should feel this exercise stretch muscles on the underside of your forearm.
  • Wrist Extension Stretch- To stretch the wrist extensor muscles, you can hold your arm out in front of you with your palm facing up and gently push your fingers down towards your wrist with your other hand. You should feel this exercise stretch muscles on the top of your forearm. 

Wrist Curls: Wrist curls are an excellent exercise for strengthening both the flexor and extensor muscles, which are essential for grip strength and overall wrist stability. 

  • Hold a light weight (such as a dumbbell or a water bottle) in your hand with your palm facing up, and rest your forearm on a table or bench. Slowly curl your wrist up towards your forearm, then slowly lower it back down. Repeat 10-15 times, then switch hands. 
  • As wrist strength improves, you can gradually increase the weight of the object you hold to challenge your muscles further.

Wrist Pronation and Supination: Pronation and supination exercises help improve wrist rotation and flexibility and strengthen the muscles that support the wrist, which can be especially helpful for athletes or individuals who perform activities that require wrist rotation (such as tennis or golf).

  • Hold a light weight in your hand with your arm at your side and your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle to perform pronation and supination exercises. Slowly rotate your forearm so that your palm faces down (pronation), then slowly rotate it back up so that your palm faces up (supination). Repeat 10-15 times, then switch hands. 

Work With Us Today!

If you are experiencing limited wrist mobility, Twin Boro Physical Therapy can help. Our certified hand therapists provide rehabilitation and therapy services to help you improve or regain wrist mobility and decrease pain. Schedule your first appointment by calling 732.554.0775 or completing the scheduling form at https://twinboro.com/schedule-appointment.html

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.