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Knee injuries are common, particularly among athletes and active individuals in New Jersey. Ranging from ligament tears and tendonitis to fractures and dislocations, the complexity of knee injuries demands specialized care. Physical therapy is critical to the recovery process, offering a path to regain strength, mobility, and function. If you or a loved one has suffered a knee injury, Twin Boro Physical Therapy provides expert rehabilitation to individuals of all ages in state-of-the-art facilities.

Understanding Knee Injuries

Physical Therapy After Knee Injury in New JerseyKnee injuries can occur for various reasons, including sports, accidents, overuse, or degenerative conditions like arthritis. The severity of knee injuries can range from mild strains to complete tears or fractures, requiring different levels and methods of treatment. Some of the most common knee injuries include:

  • Ligament Injuries: ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) or MCL (medial collateral ligament) tears often occur in sports that involve sudden stops or changes in direction.
  • Meniscal Tears: Caused by twisting or rotating the knee, common in contact sports or heavy lifting activities.
  • Patellar Tendonitis: “Jumper’s Knee” is an overuse injury affecting the tendon connecting the kneecap to the shinbone.
  • Fractures: The kneecap or bones around the knee can fracture from falls or high-impact collisions.
  • Dislocations: The knee joint can dislocate from traumatic impacts or abnormal movements.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Recovery

Physical therapy is essential for both surgical and non-surgical knee injury recoveries. The primary goals of physical therapy are to reduce pain and inflammation, restore range of motion, strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, and improve functional mobility includes:

  • Initial Assessment: A thorough evaluation is conducted to understand the extent of the injury, pain levels, mobility limitations, and overall physical condition. This assessment forms the basis for a personalized rehabilitation plan.
  • Pain Management: Techniques such as ice therapy, heat therapy, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound may be used to manage pain and reduce swelling in the initial stages of recovery.
  • Range of Motion Exercises: These exercises are crucial early to prevent stiffness and maintain joint mobility. They are gradually intensified as the recovery progresses.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening the muscles around the knee, especially the quadriceps and hamstrings, is vital for stability and support. These exercises are progressively advanced as the patient regains strength.
  • Balance and Proprioception Training: This therapy aspect helps restore balance and coordination, which are essential for preventing re-injury, especially in athletes.
  • Functional Training: These exercises are tailored to mimic the patient’s daily activities or sports-specific movements, ensuring a safe return to normal activities or sports.

The Importance of a Tailored Treatment

Every knee injury and individual is unique, and so should be the approach to rehabilitation. Twin Boro physical therapists understand the diverse needs of their patients, whether they are high-level athletes, weekend warriors, or individuals looking to return to their daily routines. Tailored rehabilitation ensures that patients recover from their injuries and address any underlying issues that may prevent future injuries.

Get Started Now!

Physical therapy plays a critical role in the recovery from knee injuries. With a focus on individualized care, Twin Boro Physical Therapy ensures patients recover from their injuries and regain their pre-injury level of function and performance. If you or a loved one are struggling with a knee injury, don’t hesitate to call 1-866-525-1117 or schedule an appointment here.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.