51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Are you living or working in Manahawkin, New Jersey, and looking for physical therapy clinics near you? Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers 27 locations across 16 counties, and Manahawkin, New Jersey residents should not waste time googling “physical therapy clinics near me.” Look no further than our Manahawkin location for high-quality care.

Physical Therapy Clinics Near Me in Manahawkin, NJFor over 40 years, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has led the way in evidence-based rehabilitation methods. We use state-of-the-art equipment and treatment plan designs to ensure our patients have access to the best treatment approaches available. We ensure a safe space for each patient to ask questions and integrate within the community. We want you to be involved in every step of the care process and confident in your rehabilitation plan.

What is our One2FourTM Approach?

In addition to our one-on-one therapist-patient pairing, we utilize our trademarked One2FourTM approach. For this approach, each patient is put into one of four groups. Group One includes patients who range from complete dependence in the home to needing maximal assistance, Group Two includes those needing maximal assistance to those independent in the home, Group Three includes those ranging from home independence to athletic goals, and Group Four includes those with athletic to ultra-athletic goals.

Within these groups, patients are connected to additional resources specific to their needs at this stage. We understand that needs change as our patients move along the movement continuum into higher categories, which is why patients will be connected to additional providers and specialists as their condition changes. For our One2FourTM approach, we enlist a dedicated team of experts with a range of experience to make sure all aspects of patient needs are addressed. This includes:

  • Orthopedic surgeons
  • Physical therapists
  • Family physicians
  • Medical doctors
  • Sports performance specialists

Ultrasounds and Physical Therapy – What do they do?

Ultrasounds are used for two primary effects: deep heating and Cavitation (non-thermal effects). Each of these has an important purpose:

Deep Heating Effects

Ultrasounds are commonly used to promote deep heating of the soft tissues in the body. This includes tendons, muscles, and ligaments. The goal is to increase circulation to these tissues, which is thought to improve healing and promote repair of any injury to the area. In addition to this, heating the tissue is thought to help reduce pain.

Cavitation (Non-Thermal Effects)

When you use ultrasound therapy, the energy from the ultrasound causes microscopic gas bubbles to expand and contract rapidly around the tissue in the body. This is called cavitation and it is thought to help speed cellular processes and improve healing.

There are two types of cavitation: stable and unstable cavitation. Stable cavitation is ideal and is what your physical therapist will promote when administering the ultrasound correctly. Unstable cavitation can be unsafe to the body.

How do Ultrasounds Work?

Inside the ultrasound, there is a small crystal. This crystal vibrates rapidly when an electrical charge is applied to it, creating piezoelectric waves. These waves are emitted from the sound head of the ultrasound. These waves can enter your injured tissues and increase blood flow and cavitation.

Ready to Begin?

Residents of Manahawkin, New Jersey, should contact Twin Boro Physical Therapy Manahawkin to be connected with a trained physical therapist. We can be reached by calling 609-978-2228 or visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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