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Are you struggling with hip pain? Hip strains and sprains are common injuries affecting the muscles and tendons surrounding the hip joint. These injuries can cause significant pain, limited mobility, and a marked decrease in quality of life. At Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, we understand the challenges these conditions present and are committed to helping our patients regain their strength and mobility through specialized physical therapy treatments.

What are Hip Strains and Sprains?

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain in Egg Harbor Township, NJA strain refers to an injury to a muscle or the tendon that attaches it to the bone, while a sprain refers to an injury to a ligament, the tissue connecting bones. In the hip, such injuries often occur due to overuse, sudden movements, or direct impacts. Symptoms of hip sprains and strains usually encompass pain that might intensify with movement, noticeable swelling around the hip area indicating inflammation, and a diminished range of motion making it difficult to move or rotate the hip as usual.

Physical Therapy for Hip Strains and Sprains

At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, the journey begins with a thorough assessment. Our therapists evaluate the extent of the injury, pain level, range of motion, and overall physical condition. This evaluation forms the foundation of a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s unique needs and recovery goals.

  • Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening the muscles around the hip joint is crucial for recovery and prevention of future injuries. Therapists guide patients through exercises designed to gradually build the strength of hip muscles without exacerbating the injury. A few examples include:
    • Hip Bridges
    • Standing Hip Abductions
    • Squats.
  • Flexibility and Stretching: Improving flexibility helps in restoring the range of motion and reducing stiffness. Targeted stretching exercises are prescribed to gently elongate the muscles and tendons around the hip and may include:
    • Seated Hip Flexor Stretch
    • Piriformis Stretch
    • Standing Hamstring Stretch.
  • Stability and Balance Training: Enhancing stability and balance is particularly important for individuals recovering from sprains. Therapists use various techniques to improve proprioception and balance, reducing the risk of re-injury.
    • Single-Leg Stands
    • Hip Abduction Side Steps
    • Balance Ball Exercises.
  • Manual Therapy: Manual therapy for hip sprains and strains involves hands-on techniques performed by a physical therapist. It’s aimed at improving circulation, reducing muscle tension, enhancing the overall function of the hip joint, and alleviating pain. This can include:
    • Joint Mobilization
    • Soft Tissue Mobilization.
  • Therapy Modalities: Twin Boro therapists may employ various modalities to reduce pain and inflammation, particularly in the early stages of treatment including:
    • Ice
    • Heat
    • Ultrasound
    • Electrical Stimulation.
  • Education and Prevention Strategies: A key component of physical therapy is educating patients about their condition. Therapists provide advice on how to avoid activities that might aggravate the injury, proper techniques for everyday movements, and exercises to prevent future strains and sprains.

Start Recovering from Hip Pain Today

Hip strains and sprains can be painful and debilitating, but with the right treatment, recovery is within reach. At Twin Boro Physical Therapy – Egg Harbor, we are committed to providing comprehensive care to reduce pain, restore function, and prevent future injuries. Our personalized approach ensures that each patient’s treatment plan is as unique as they are, offering the best path to recovery. If you’re suffering from hip pain due to a strain or sprain, don’t wait to seek help. Contact us today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.