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Are you experiencing jaw pain, headaches, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth? These symptoms may indicate TMJ, a common condition affecting the temporomandibular joint. If you live or work near in Belmar, NJ, Twin Boro Physical Therapy – Wall has a dedicated team of physical therapists that specialize in providing comprehensive and effective treatment for TMJ. We can help alleviate your pain and restore normal function to your jaw joint through targeted therapies, exercises, and patient education.

What is TMJ?

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, refers to a condition that affects the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull. It can cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and Physical Therapy in Belmar, NJthe surrounding muscles. TMJ may be caused by various factors, including jaw misalignment, muscle tension, trauma to the jaw, teeth grinding, or arthritis. Common symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain, facial pain, headaches, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, difficulty chewing, and limited jaw movement.

How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the management and treatment of TMJ. Our skilled physical therapists utilize various techniques and interventions to address the underlying causes of TMJ and alleviate pain and discomfort. Here are some key aspects of our TMJ treatment approach:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Our therapists will thoroughly evaluate your jaw joint, muscles, and overall jaw function. This evaluation helps us identify any specific dysfunctions or imbalances contributing to your TMJ symptoms.
  • Manual Therapy: We employ specialized manual therapy techniques to address muscle tension, possible joint mobility issues, and structural imbalances in the jaw. These techniques may include joint mobilization, soft tissue release, and trigger point therapy to relieve pain and restore optimal jaw function.
  • Jaw Exercises: Specific exercises will be prescribed to strengthen and stretch the muscles surrounding the jaw joint. These exercises help improve jaw mobility, increase muscle flexibility, and promote proper jaw alignment.
  • Posture and Body Mechanics: Our therapists will educate you on maintaining proper posture and body mechanics throughout the day, as these factors can impact jaw alignment and jaw muscle tension. Adjusting your posture and daily habits can alleviate stress on the jaw joint and promote healing.
  • Pain Management Techniques: We may incorporate various pain management techniques such as heat therapy, cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in the jaw joint and surrounding tissues.
  • Lifestyle Modifications and Education: Our therapists will guide lifestyle modifications that can help manage TMJ symptoms. This can include recommendations for specific diets, stress management techniques, relaxation exercises, and techniques to prevent teeth grinding or clenching.
  • Patient Education: Understanding TMJ and its contributing factors is essential for successful treatment and long-term management. We will educate you on the condition, its causes, and strategies to prevent future flare-ups. This knowledge empowers you to actively participate in your own recovery and make informed decisions about your oral health.

Start Your Journey to a Pain-Free Life Today!

If you are suffering from TMJ and seeking effective relief in Belmar, NJ,  Twin Boro Physical Therapy-Wall is here to help. Do not let TMJ limit your daily activities or affect your quality of life. Take the first step towards a pain-free jaw by scheduling an appointment with our knowledgeable and compassionate team of physical therapists by calling 732.554.0311 or visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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