51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Have you ever wondered if physical therapy could be beneficial for you? Our highly experienced physical therapists will listen to your concerns and provide a complete assessment of your condition in order to recommend the best path to recovery. If you live or work in Bergen Lafayette, NJ, check out our Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Jersey City location to see how we can help you reach your goals.

Physical Therapy in Bergen Lafayette, NJ

At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we want to be with you every step of the way. For over 40 years, we have served New Jersey residents with compassion, dedication, and respect. It is this treatment and our commitment to continually improving our methods with the latest evidence-based methods that have led to us being voted as the best private physical therapy practice in New Jersey.

With 51 convenient locations across 16 counties, we strive to bring high-quality care to as many New Jersey residents as we can. We are the largest private physical therapy practice in the state and ensure we uphold a high standard of care in every location.

What is the One2FourTM approach?

We believe there is a link between the person who needs to use the elevator and the person who is comfortably moving through a workout class.

Our One2FourTM program is the link between these two people. We set up the movements and steps along this continuum that need to happen for one person to move from sleepless nights because of pain to running their first 5k race (or 10k.. or 20k..). With the guidance of our one-on-one therapist pairings and commitment to making real changes, we guide patients towards health improvements and feeling comfortable and happy with their movement abilities.

Your physical therapist will determine your functional level based on your current abilities and assign a category of one, two, three, or four. The goal of this is to have a clear starting point and connect patients with resources and rehabilitation materials that are best suited for their current level. You will then work with your therapists to develop clear goals and start moving upwards along the continuum towards your desired functional level. As your abilities increase, the resources you are connected with will change and you will be able to clearly monitor your progress.

Who is the One2FourTM team?

The One2FourTM team is comprised of orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, family physicians, medical doctors, and sports performance specialists. This combination of experts works together to develop the most state-of-the-art rehabilitation and training program for each patient based on their individual needs. We aim to reach each goal in the most efficient and affordable way possible. We care about our patients and want health to be accessible to everyone.

Ready to Begin?

To get started, residents of Bergen Lafayette, NJ, should reach out to our expert physical therapists at Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Jersey City. We understand that taking the first step is often the hardest, which is why we want you to feel confident that we are here to answer all of your questions and provide the most complete picture of what your physical therapy journey will look like. We are here at every stage of the process. To reach us, call 201-792-3840 or visit our website. We look forward to meeting you!

Schedule an

After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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