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Are you interested in finding out how physical therapy can benefit you? If you live or work in Bradley Gardens, NJ, look no further than Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Bridgewater to have one of our expert physical therapists walk you through every step of the process.

Physical Therapy in Bradley Gardens, NJFor over 40 years, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has been serving New Jersey residents with evidence-based methods to maximize benefits and minimize recovery time. Many of our expert physical therapists have over 25 years of experience, and this knowledge combined with continual incorporation of the latest research has led us to be voted the best private physical therapy practice in the state of New Jersey.

Common Reasons to Seek Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be used for a variety of reasons, and the potential benefits are unique to every individual. In general, people seek physical therapy for one of these reasons:

  • Decreasing or eliminating pain/discomfort
  • Increasing range of motion
  • Improving mobility
  • Gaining independence in daily tasks
  • Recovery from stroke
  • Alternative to surgery
  • Improving balance and stability
  • Managing chronic disease
  • Prevent or recover from a sports injury
  • Increasing strength

While this covers the most common reasons to seek rehabilitative programs, it is not an exclusive list. If you have a concern you believe could be treated by physical therapy, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our professionals. We are here to answer all of your questions!

How Long Will It Take You to Recover from a Sports Injury?

Recovery times depend on several factors, such as your body’s natural anatomy and recovery abilities, the severity of the injury, the length of time since the injury has been sustained, and any complications related to the injury. However, regardless of these factors, physical therapy can likely make a huge impact on your recovery time and the time to regain full-functionality and return to normal activities. While every person will have a slightly different recovery journey, these are typical recovery times for different sports injuries:

First-degree sprain: A few days. Includes bruising or minor tear of the ligament.

Second-degree sprain: 1-2 months. Includes partial tears of the ligament.

Third-degree sprain: 2-3+ months. Includes complete ruction of the ligament.

First-degree strain: 2-3 weeks. Includes minor partial tear of the muscle or tendon.

Second-degree strain: 1-2 months. Includes more serious partial tear of the muscle or tendon.

Third-degree strain: 3-4+ months. Includes complete rupture of tendon or muscle.

Fractures: 2-6 months. Typically obtained from repetitive stress causing stress fractures.

Overuse injuries: 2-6 months. Typically results from constant repetitive motions that heavily engage specific parts of the body.

Strains and strains are some of the most common sports injuries obtains, making up nearly half of all sports injuries. The severity of an injury can be assessed through discoloration, pain, movement ability, swelling, range of motion, among other factors.

Ready to begin?

 To come in for an initial injury screening or consultation, residents of Bradley Gardens, NJ, should reach out to our Twin Boro Physical Therapy office in Bridgewater. Call 732-427-8171 or by visit our website. We look forward to working with you!

Schedule an

After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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