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Physical therapy can be a useful tool in everyone’s life, whether you’re training for a specific goal or just trying to feel more comfortable in your daily activities. Residents in Clifton, NJ can look towards the Twin Boro Physical Therapy office in Fair Lawn in Bergen County or in the Clara Maass Medical Center in Essex County to be matched with a highly-trained professional who can help them look, feel, and move their best.

Why Choose Us?

Physical Therapy in Clifton, NJWhen it comes to Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we go above and beyond what’s expected of us to provide our clients with individualized, cutting-edge solutions to work towards their goals. Our experienced professionals utilize a holistic approach when assessing a client and developing a training program. We provide a comprehensive assessment covering things such as your current range-of-motion, body history, daily activities, flexibility, strength, and mobility to curate a custom plan made specifically for you.

It’s this kind of detail that has led us to be voted the Best Physical Therapy Practice in New Jersey. For 38 years, we have treated New Jersey residents as we would our own family, and we value treating every client with respect, honesty, and commitment.

Our Treatment Approach

As science continually changes, so do we. We make a point to stay up-to-date on the latest research and discoveries so we can ensure that our clients are receiving the best treatment available. Our practitioners are well-equipped to treat a wide array of musculoskeletal system disorders such as arthritis, balance, joint pain, core stabilization, headaches, and surgical rehabilitation.

Twin Boro Physical Therapy is proud to offer one-on-one coaching to ensure that every patient is receiving a treatment plan best suited for their individual anatomies, schedules, and goals. We recognize that every client’s body and experiences are different, and we honor this by designing exercise plans that will fit seamlessly into your everyday life.

This one-on-one relationship allows our members to feel supported and motivated throughout their fitness journey, and allows our physical therapists to provide tailored recommendations for additional emotional and wellness services to maximize your outcomes.

How We Are Different

To ensure our clients are able to see their clear progression towards their goals, we use our trademarked One2FourTM method. The One2FourTM method is designed to categorize our patients after their initial assessment into groups 1, 2, 3, or 4. The grouping is characterized by help needed in and outside the house, fitness levels, and ultimate goals. This helps our clients understand exactly what their starting point is and mark a clear goal. It also lets them feel continually motivated and proud as they see themselves taking steps towards their desired outcomes. Beyond this, the One2FourTM method helps our physical therapists match clients with the right medical practitioners and fitness resources that are designed for their specific needs.

If you’re interested in how physical therapy can change your life, look no further than the Twin Boro Physical Therapy clinics in Fair Lawn, NJ, or at Clara Maas Medical Center in Essex County. Clifton residents can get in touch with us by calling 201-794-4417. For the Clara Maas location, reach us at 973-450-2050 or contact us online for either clinic. We can’t wait to get started!

Schedule an

After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.