51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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No matter your level of fitness, physical therapy can help improve mobility, strength, flexibility, and reduce any pain or discomfort you may have. Everyone from extreme athletes to weekend warriors can benefit from physical therapy, and residents of Greenville, NJ, should look no further than Twin Boro Physical Therapy offices in Bayonne and Jersey City Medical Center.

Physical Therapy in Greenville, NJAt Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we don’t believe that one size fits all. We honor our patients’ unique body histories, goals, and daily activities to develop treatment plans that are built just for you. In addition to this tailored plan, you will be paired with a skilled therapist—many of whom have over 25 years of experience—that will continually monitor your progress and make real-time adjustments to your plan during each session. This allows your program to adapt to the individual ways your body responds to therapy and increases the speed of recovery.

It is this attention to detail and dedication to our patients’ success that has led us to be voted the best private physical therapy practice in the state of New Jersey. We offer 51 convenient locations in 16 counties and are the largest private physical therapy practice in the state of New Jersey.

Simple Exercises to Improve Knee Stability at Home

Patellar tracking disorders are some of the most common reasons people seek physical therapy. It is important for both athletes and non-athletes to feel stable in their movements and confident in their body’s ability to handle certain stresses. While there is no replacement for the guidance an experienced physical therapist can offer, there are a few at-home exercises that can improve the stability of the knee and reduce the likelihood of patellar subluxation.

Seated Knee Extensions

Sitting on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you, bend your non-injured knee so your foot is flat on the ground. Next, place a rolled towel under the injured knee (the injured leg should be straight). Straighten the injured leg as much as possible, feeling the back of the knee press into the towel. Straighten the leg for 10-second intervals 15 times per day.

Seated Leg Raises

Sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and flex the toes of your leg with the injured knee. Straighten the leg as much as possible and raise it about 6 inches off of the ground. Hold for 10 seconds 15 times per day. Place an ankle weight on for an added challenge.

Wall Sits

Stand with your back to the wall and walk your feet out about 12-20 inches from the wall. Place a squishy ball or foam block between the knees and squeeze as your lower yourself into a gentle wall sit (no need to go down to a 90 degrees knee bend).

Standing Knee Bends

Stand up with your feet hip-distance apart and place your hand either onto the wall or a chair for stability. Shift your weight to one foot and bend your other leg at the knee while keeping your hips square and unmoving. Repeat this bend 15 times and perform 3 sets.

Ready to Begin?

If you feel physical therapy may be right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us to begin your journey to optimal health. If you live or work in Greenville, NJ, look no further than Twin Boro Physical Therapy offices in Bayonne or Jersey City Medical Center. We can be reached at 201-243-6662, or visit our website to schedule an appointment.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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