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Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers effective sports rehab so New Jersey athletes can recover faster and stronger in minimal time. 

Twin Boro Physical Therapy is the largest private physical therapy network in New Jersey. While our services vary, you will find specialties at each of our 51 locations in high-demand areas such as:

Sports rehab: 4 Common injuries 

Recover Faster and Stronger from Injuries with Sports Rehab in New JerseyBecause of the extra strain on the body during athletics, sports injuries are common. Injuries can occur for a variety of reasons, including improper form, lack of rest days, muscle weakness, and accidents. While the most common sports injuries vary greatly depending on the type of sport, some of the most common sports injuries seen in our clinic are as follows:

  1. Knee injuries

Knee injuries are common in sports due to the twisting, bending, exertion, and sharp movements seen in many competitive sports. One of the most common symptoms in athletes is knee pain, whether via an acute injury or chronic overexertion. Knee pain can be due to several causes, including ligament damage, muscle damage, sprains, tears, strains, and damage to surrounding tissues. One of the most common knee injuries seen in athletes is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). In fact, nearly half of all sports injuries are ACL tears. 

Athletes with knee injuries often have difficulty running, jumping, turning, and performing their usual activities. Physical therapists work with athletes with knee injuries to reduce symptoms, recover the function of the knee, and strengthen surrounding areas to prevent future injury.

  1. Foot injuries: Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis

Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis are foot injuries that are commonly seen in athletes. Achilles tendinitis leads to inflammation and pain where the calf muscle meets the heel bone, and plantar fasciitis leads to inflammation along the bottom of the foot. Runners and athletes who jump frequently have a higher likelihood of these injuries.

  1. Concussion

Concussions are another common sports injury. This is most commonly seen in athletes who play collision sports, such as football or rugby. Protective gear, such as helmets or padding, can help to reduce the severity of a concussion, but does not eliminate risk. In some cases, repeated or severe concussions can lead to traumatic brain injuries. Physical therapy can be critical in reducing symptoms associated with concussions, including dizziness and difficulty with balance.

  1. Elbow injuries: Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow

Tennis elbow and Golfer’s elbow result from inflammation of the tendons in the elbow. Tennis elbow typically leads to pain in the inside of the elbow, while Golfer’s elbow most often leads to pain in the outside of the elbow. Athletes who grip racquets may notice pain when gripping and during wrist extension. This type of injury typically occurs from overuse and through continuous repetition during training.

Let’s work together!

If you have recently been injured playing sports, make an appointment at Twin Boro Physical Therapy to work with one of our sports specialists. Our physical therapists can help you recover faster and stronger so you can return to the activities you love. To get started today, call 732.554.0775 or visit our website at https://twinboro.com/.

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