51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Twin Boro Physical Therapy is committed to providing high-quality care to patients of all ages. Our team of expert hand therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists work together to develop personalized treatment plans that produce outstanding results. If you are a resident of New Jersey, Twin Boro Physical Therapy is the perfect place to start your journey to wellness and find relief from neck pain with physical therapy.

Relief from Neck Pain with Physical TherapyAs the largest private physical therapy network in New Jersey, with 42 locations across 10 counties, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has been voted the best private physical therapy practice in the region. We are dedicated to helping our patients succeed, and we strive to create a welcoming environment where our patients feel at home.

Our clinics offer a range of services designed to meet the specific needs of each patient. These include:

While these services make up the bulk of our patients, we understand that each patient is unique and may have specific needs. That’s why we encourage all patients to schedule a comprehensive consultation with our team so we can develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

Why is neck pain common in older adults?

Neck pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages, but it tends to be more prevalent in older adults. There are several reasons why neck pain may be more common in older adults:

  1. Degenerative changes: Over time, the discs and joints in the neck can undergo degenerative changes that can lead to pain and stiffness. This can include conditions such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, or herniated discs.
  2. Poor posture: As people age, they may develop poor posture habits, such as hunching over or slouching. This can put additional strain on the neck muscles and lead to pain and discomfort.
  3. Muscle weakness: Age-related muscle loss, or sarcopenia, can cause weakness in the neck muscles. This can make it more difficult to maintain proper posture and can contribute to neck pain.
  4. Inactivity: As people age, they may become more sedentary and engage in fewer physical activities. This can lead to muscle weakness and stiffness, which can contribute to neck pain.
  5. Chronic health conditions: Older adults may be more likely to have chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis, that can contribute to neck pain.

It’s important to note that while neck pain may be more common in older adults, it is not a normal part of aging and should be addressed with appropriate treatment. Physical therapy can be an effective way to manage neck pain in older adults, by improving muscle strength, flexibility, and posture, as well as addressing any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the pain.

Let’s begin!

Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers service in many areas, including relief from neck pain with physical therapy. If you live or work in New Jersey, schedule your first appointment at the clinic near you by calling 732.554.0775 or visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.