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Background & Etiology

Shin splints is a term used to describe pain along the front of the leg. This is an overuse injury, caused by the pounding of the feet on the ground. The downward pressure of the leg puts stress on the tibia and surrounding muscles (soleus, flexor digitorum longus, and deep crural fascia muscles,) which can then become inflamed causing pain.

Many athletes will try to push through the pain, but continuing to exercise when experiencing an inflammation can worsen pain, and can lead to extreme conditions where stress fractures of the tibia occur.

Shin splints are an overuse injury, common causes of this condition include:

  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
  • Sudden increase in the frequency of athletic training
  • Inadequate footwear
  • Changing the surface on which an individual runs or trains to a harder substance like wood, concrete or even the naturally hard ground
  • Underlying conditions of the leg including tendinitis, tibial perisostitis or compartment syndrome
  • Biomechanical problems, like flat feet
  • Pain along the front of the lower leg
  • Inflammation or swelling of the lower leg
  • Pain that does not subside when the leg is no longer in use

If an individual suspects they have Shin Splints, the initial treatment should consist of avoiding the positions and activities that produce the pain. A course of conservative treatment is usually recommended that would include rest and immobilization, ice, physical therapy and non-steroidal medications to reduce inflammation.

If symptoms persist, treatment by your physician may be necessary. In severe cases surgical intervention may be needed to correct any mechanical or underlying causes of the shin splints.

Physical Therapists are professionals, educated and trained to administer interventions. As stated in The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, interventions are the skilled and purposeful use of physical therapy methods and techniques to produce changes consistent with the diagnosis, prognosis and goal of the patient or client. Common interventions in the treatment of Shin Splints include:

  • Manual Therapeutic Technique (MTT): hands on care including soft tissue massage, deep friction massage and joint mobilization by a physical therapist to regain mobility and range of motion of the leg.
  • Therapeutic Exercises (TE) including stretching and strengthening exercises to regain range of motion and strengthen the leg and effected muscle.
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR) to restore stability, retrain the lower extremity, and improve movement technique and mechanics (for example, running or kicking activities) in daily use of the involved lower extremity.
  • Modalities that can include the use of ultrasound, electrical stimulation, ice, cold laser and others to decrease pain and inflammation at the leg and muscles.
  • Home program that includes strengthening, stretching and stabilization exercises and instructions to help the person perform daily tasks and advance to the next functional level.

Procedures that your physician may recommend and perform in addition to physical therapy that include:

  • REST and ICE
  • The use of NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs)
  • Steroidal injections to reduce inflammation
  • Pain medication to reduce the discomfort and allow the patient to perform the recommended exercises
  • Surgery to correct underlying pathology or the cause of the muscle inflammation


Most people recover full function following a course of conservative care that includes physical therapy, medication and/or injections. It is important that once the pain and inflammation is reduced, and motion and strength are restored, the patient gradually returns to full activities. Instruction in daily activities or sport performance is helpful for reducing a reoccurrence of Shin Splints.

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We are dedicated physical therapists that genuinely care. We strive to restore you to your former self, no matter the injury.


Real People, Real Testimonials.

"The employees are a wonderful bunch of people to be around. They're friendly & give the place a hometown feel. All the therapists are really nice. RosaAnna is my PT girl. Her TLC of my muscle/injury issues has made my life much better."

Valerie I.

“After a major fracture and surgery of my right arm, the therapists at Twin Boro helped me return to normal activities with my right arm. Their patience and caring have been positive and encouraging to me!”


"After my back surgery my doctor wanted me for physical therapy. He suggested Twin Boro Physical Therapy as one of the locations to go to. I checked out all the locations in the area and decided to go to Twin Boro. I stopped by on a Saturday but they were closed. Someone was at the desk doing paperwork and gave me all the information that i needed to fill out. She put the paperwork through and gave me a schedule to return on Monday for my first visit.The therapist ( Andrew ) examined me an put me through a series of work outs three times a week along with his daily exam. As each exercise became easier I was given something a little harder. They were slowly building up the strength in my lower back, core, legs and arms. After years of back pain I am now able to begin to get back to a normal life. I had a chance to work with other therapist there, they are all fantastic and there to help us return to a healthy life. The entire staff is was a pleasure to work with. They listen to what you have to say and and pay attention to what you said. I looked forward to going there, the staff was caring, kind and funny at times. I would highly recommend Twin Boro for physical therapy."

Victor S.

“The staff is very professional and their concern for their patients is outstanding. It has been a very positive experience. My condition has been improving steadily.”


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