51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Twin Boro Physical Therapy is a leader of rehabilitative care in the New Jersey area. For residents of Fair Lawn, NJ, interested in how our experts may be able to assist you in your recovery journey “near me”, look no farther than Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Fair Lawn.

Best Physical Therapy Near Me in Fair Lawn, NJ

Twin Boro Physical Therapy began in 1980 with the mission to offer state-of-the-art care to residents of New Jersey. We are dedicated to helping each patient meet and surpass their goals, and we are committed to working with you to develop a tailored plan designed to meet your needs. With 51 locations conveniently located across 16 counties, our patients are able to receive the care they need from wherever they are. At each location, you can expect services such as:

PT Treatments for TMD

TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition of the jaw that causes pain and affects the ability to open and close the mouth. When seeking physical therapy to reduce symptoms of TMD, your physical therapist will likely recommend several treatment methods to maximize your recovery. These techniques will be designed to reduce pain, improve posture, reduce inflammation, improve jaw movement, and regain normal functioning. 

The following treatments are commonly recommended for TMD:

Heat and Ice

Heat and ice are often used together for different purposes. Heat is used to relax muscles and increase the range of motion, while ice is used to decrease inflammation and pain.


Neck, shoulder, and jaw massages are often used to relax muscles in the area to prevent stiffness and spasm and improve circulation. Massage can often improve the range of motion in the jaw.

Posture improvement

Forward head and rounded shoulder posture can increase jaw pain and aggravate TMD. To reduce the effects of this, your PT may go through postural physical therapy with you. This also typically involves scapular strengthening 


Ultrasound is a technology that works by providing deep heat to inflamed tissues. This increases cellular mobility in the area and has been associated with reduced pain and increased movement. 

Temporomandibular Joint Mobilizations

Temporomandibular joint mobilizations are a manual therapy technique used to restore proper alignment of the jaw. This is a common treatment when the articular disc in the jaw is out of place. This procedure can be uncomfortable, but your physical therapist will walk you through each step to ensure you are confident in the procedure, comfortable with the technique, and aware of each step.

Therapeutic Exercises

Exercises for the jaw are a core part of most TMD physical therapy regimens. These exercises are designed to improve alignment, increase range of motion, and reduce pain. You may perform these exercises in front of a mirror to be able to visualize the movements of your jaw better and watch for alignment. 

Ready to begin?

Pain and discomfort in daily life can quickly decrease the quality of many everyday activities you love. For residents of Fair Lawn, New Jersey, Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Fair Lawn is here to provide convenient access “near me” to high-quality and affordable rehabilitative care. To get started today, call 201.561.7655 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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