51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Are you experiencing more discomfort in your daily tasks? Having trouble recovering from an injury when playing sports? What about an upcoming surgery? Physical therapy “near me” can help. Regardless of your concern, physical therapists at Twin Boro Physical Therapy can help you take steps to improve your overall well-being. For residents of Newark, NJ, check out our Twin Boro Physical Therapy location in Newark, New Jersey. 

Best Physical Therapy Near Me in Newark, NJ

Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers residents of New Jersey convenient access to high quality care at 51 locations across 16 counties. We are the largest private physical therapy network in the state and are committed to offering the same high-quality care at each of our locations. We pride ourselves on helping out patients exceed their expectations and are dedicated to continuing our pursuit of helping every New Jersey resident feel their best.

At each of our locations, we offer one-on-one pairing between patients and physical therapists to maximize time spent in the clinic. When you work with your physical therapist, they will perform a comprehensive assessment that will act as the basis for your care plan. This includes mobility assessments, range of motion, strength, flexibility, body history, anatomy, and more. 

5 Ways Cryotherapy is Used in Physical Therapy

If you have ever been injured, you’ve probably heard someone say, “put some ice on it.” This, in a nutshell, is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, is one of the oldest treatments for injuries and is widely used to reduce inflammation and decrease pain. In physical therapy, cold therapy is often used as an integral part of the healing process. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are several cold therapy options that are best suited for different types of injuries.

Ice with an ice pack: Plain and simple, icing with an ice pack or bag of ice (with a towel to cover your skin!) is one of the simplest ways to use cryotherapy on minor injuries. This helps to reduce spasms, decrease pain, alter nerve conductors, and generally provide healing benefits to new injuries.

Contrast therapy: This is the combination of hot and cold therapy. In general, heat is applied to the area to increase mobility and allow for more intensive physical therapy movements. Ice is then followed to reduce inflammation and pain after the session.

Whirlpool therapy: This type of cryotherapy uses rapid cooling and systemic vasoconstriction. Patients will submerge the injured area in a whirlpool bath, which has been shown to relax muscles and reduce pain in the body without stressing tissues. This is beneficial for new and chronic conditions.

Cold compression: This type of cryotherapy uses air pressure and cold compression to pull heat from the injury site, stimulate blood circulation to the injured area, and reduce swelling or edema. 

Ice massage: For superficial soft tissue injuries, such as tendonitis, ice massage is a great method to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Your physical therapist can move ice around the area to significantly improve comfort, help drain fluid from the area, and improve movement.

Ready to get started?

Twin Boro Physical Therapy employs highly experienced professionals committed to helping every patient achieve their goals. We offer convenient access to state-of-the-art care “near me” across New Jersey. For those living in Newark, NJ, check out our Twin Boro Physical Therapy location in Newark to get started today. We can be reached by calling 973.556.2459 or visiting our website.

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