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Curious whether certified hand therapy may be able to benefit you? When it comes to our hands, having the best movement abilities and feeling confident with our dexterity can make a big impact on the activities we are able to enjoy. If you think certified hand therapy might be right for you, residents of East Orange, New Jersey, should contact our Twin Boro Physical Therapy office in Newark, NJ, to get started.

Hand Therapy in East Orange, NJTwin Boro Physical Therapy has been a leader in rehabilitative care for over 40 years. Since 1980, our experienced experts have been employing the latest evidence-based methods and scientific research to provide our patients with state-of-the-art care. We are the largest physical therapy network in New Jersey, and we offer certified hand therapy at 10 of our locations.

At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we pair patients one-on-one with their therapist to give the opportunity for further individualized care. Your certified hand therapist will have the ability to continually monitor your progress and make real-time adjustments to your program as you move forward. This allows for our patients to have their program progress with them and promotes the best results.

Osteoarthritis in the Hands

Osteoarthritis in the hands is characterized as the wearing away of the articular cartilage in the joints of the wrists and hands. This cartilage is the cushioning material between bones, and wearing away of this cushion leads to swelling, pain, irritation, and stiffness of the joints. Osteoarthritis affects bone, cartilage, soft tissue, and connective tissues in your joints.

When you begin to develop osteoarthritis of the hands, the early signs will be pain, stiffness, and weakness in the joints. As osteoarthritis progresses, you may notice joint deformity and significant loss of motion.

Osteoarthritis often worsens when you repeat tasks using the same movements of the fingers and hands. This leads to overuse of the joints and can put pressure on the nerves and joints of the hand.

While physical therapy is often considered to be the most effective for relieving pain in the joints and reducing the progression of arthritis, oral pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, and splints to support the joints are also used to help treat symptoms.

When these non-surgical methods are ineffective, you may be recommended to have surgery to help reduce pain.

Before surgical intervention, hand therapy will be recommended to you based on your symptoms. Hand therapy works to treat osteoarthritis in a number of ways, including keeping your joints nimble and flexible, improving your range of motion, improving finger dexterity and the ability to perform fine movements, relieving pain, and reducing the progression of arthritis.

Hand therapy also helps to strengthen the muscles that support the joints in your hand and allows you to perform the activities you enjoy. Exercise has also been known to increase synovial fluid production in your hands, which can further decrease pain in your joints.

Ready to Begin?

Let’s get started! Certified Hand Therapists at Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Newark can help residents of East Orange, NJ, diagnose their causes of discomfort and develop a tailored physical therapy plan suited for their needs. To get started today, call 973-556-2459 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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