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Interested in how certified hand therapy might help you get back to the activities you love? At Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Parlin, Madison Park, New Jersey, residents can waste no time in getting back to their favorite hobbies with outstanding results in minimal time.

Hand Therapy in Madison Park, NJAt Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we offer convenient, affordable, and high-quality care at 27 locations across the state. We ensure each of our patients is informed about their care plan and have access to state-of-the-art treatment methods to promote the best outcomes. At 10 of our locations, we offer certified hand therapy to help our patients with conditions of the hands to have access to the specialized treatment methods needed to alleviate and treat complex symptoms.

Wrist Joints

The wrist is one of the most complex joints in the body and is responsible for much of the movement abilities of the hands. Many sports, professionals, hobbies, and daily tasks require a combination of movement abilities in the wrist. When these movement abilities become compromised, the quality of everyday life and the ability to participate in your favorite activities can quickly be diminished.

In order to identify the source of discomfort and other symptoms, understanding the anatomy of the wrist is vital in determining the underlying mechanisms at play. Certified hand therapists will comprehensively assess each joint in the wrist and look for early signs of stiffness, degeneration, and cause for preventative treatment. When looking at joints in the wrist, certified hand therapists will consider:

Radiocarpal Joint

The radiocarpal joint is made up of the radius (one of the lower arm bones) and the first row of wrist bones. This row of wrist bones consists of the scaphoid, triquetrum, and lunate. The wrist also contains a small bone called the pisiform in the first row of wrist bones, but this joint is not connected to either of the lower arm bones.

The most common wrist fractures involve the joint surfaces, and sprains with ligaments in these areas are common.

Ulnocarpal Joint

The ulnocarpal joint includes the ulna (one of the lower arm bones) and the wrist bones in the first row of wrist bones known as the lunate and triquetrum. The ligaments in this joint are commonly involved in wrist sprains. Developmental considerations, such as when the ulna and the radius are different lengths, can also cause pain in this joint.

Distal Radioulnar Joint

The distal radioulnar joint is where the ulna and radius (two lower arm bones) meet. This joint is complex to treat and requires the expertise of a highly experienced certified hand therapist.

Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid Joint (STT)

The schaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint is made of three wrist bones including the scaphoid, trapezium, and trapezoid. This joint allows the wrist to rotate, but the high range of motion makes this joint one of the more frequent joints in the wrist to develop arthritis. To treat arthritis in this joint, removing the scaphoid, trapezium, part of the trapezoid, or arthrodesis is common.

Ready to Begin?

At Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Parlin, Madison Park residents have convenient access to high-quality certified hand therapy. Our trained professionals will provide a comprehensive assessment of your condition to ensure you are on the best rehabilitation program for you. To get started, call 732-943-1558 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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