51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Physical therapy is not just for sports injuries, physical therapy is for everyone. At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we treat a broad range of conditions related to injury, age, disease, genetics, and lifestyle. If you live in Bridgewater, New Jersey, and would like to improve your movement abilities and quality of daily life, check out our Bridgewater location to be connected with an expert therapist.

Physical Therapy Clinics Near Me in Bridgewater NJTwin Boro Physical Therapy was voted as the best private physical therapy practice in the state, and it is because of our commitment to excellence that we have earned this title. Many of our expert hand therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists have over 25 years of experience working with patients with diverse backgrounds. We understand that every patient is unique and believe that individualized training plans promote the best success. Every movement and exercise your perform will have an intentional purpose, and your therapist will monitor your progress to ensure you are on the right path.

With 27 locations across 16 counties, New Jersey residents have a wide range of options for their treatment. At each location, we uphold high standards of patient care and dedication to learning the latest science in rehabilitation. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and methods for each patient to minimize recovery time and maximize results.

Physical Therapy for Scapular Pain

Physical therapists treat many types of shoulder pain, and the type of condition will determine the mode of physical therapy required. For the majority of conditions, therapeutic exercises will include:

  • Active movements
  • Passive range of motion exercises
  • Rotator cuff strengthening exercises
  • Scapular shoulder stabilization exercises

Scapular Shoulder Stabilization 

The scapula, also known as the shoulder blade, is the triangular-shaped bone that lies in the upper back. This bone is supported by a large group of muscles that form a complex network to help you move your arm. If these muscles become imbalanced, the position of the scapula can become altered, which leads to pain and weakness when using the shoulder. When the scapular position becomes altered, you may notice that activities requiring using your arm overhead become difficult.

Scapular Shoulder Stabilization

When you injure your shoulder, sometimes you may start using your shoulder blade to compensate for difficult movements. When this happens, it can lead to poor habits that cause misalignment and strain on the shoulder blade.

Scapular stabilization exercises of often needed as a result of one of the following conditions:

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Tendonitis
  • Fracture
  • Shoulder arthritis
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Shoulder dislocation
  • Shoulder impingement syndrome

Common exercises to improve scapular stabilization include movements such as:

  • Medicine ball push-ups
  • Prone row
  • Prone T: Lie on the side of your bed and have one arm hang down. Lift the arm out to the side and pinch your shoulder blade towards your spine. While keeping your arm straight, slowly lift your arm out to the side and pinch your shoulder blade back towards your spine.
  • Prone Y: Same as Prone T, except your arm makes a “Y” shape.
  • Prone I: Same as Prone T, except you lift your arm straight overhead.

Ready to Begin?

To get started today, residents of Bridgewater, New Jersey, should look to our Twin Boro Physical Therapy Bridgewater location to see how we can help you on your movement journey. We can be reached by calling 732-427-8171 or by visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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