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Have you ever wondered whether physical therapy may be right for you? Residents of Parlin, NJ who are looking for physical therapy “near me” should look no further than our Twin Boro Physical Therapy location in Parlin to get started today. Our experts, many of whom have over 25 years of experience, are specialized in treating a broad range of conditions and will perform a complete assessment and diagnosis to get you started today.

Physical Therapy Clinics Near Me in Parlin NJFor over 40 years, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has helped New Jersey residents take control of their health and move towards recovery. We ensure every patient is treated with compassion, commitment, and respect, and we are dedicated to being by your side during every step of your rehabilitation journey.

When you work with us, you will be paired one-on-one with an expert physical therapist who will develop a comprehensive care plan for you. We understand every patient is different and rehabilitation plans should reflect and honor these differences. Every patient will be paired one-on-one with a therapist to monitor progress and make any real-time adjustments needed to the care plan. This allows for greater flexibility of the rehabilitation plan and implementation of new therapeutic techniques over the course of the treatment plan.

Physical Therapy for Arthritis of the Hand

Arthritis of the hands and fingers can quickly make daily tasks such as writing, cooking, and even driving seem near impossible. To reduce symptoms and alleviate pain, a physical therapist can prescribe a specific combination of treatments to reduce inflammation and increase joint range of motion.

In addition to this, at-home exercises can play an important role in reducing stiffness and helping to slow or stop symptom progression. Some simple at-home exercises include:

Making a Fist

Straighten the fingers and then slowly curl them into a loose fist with the thumb on the outside of the hand. Repeat 10 times or as many times as able.

Bending Your Digits

Hold your hand flat in front of you, palm up with your fingers straight. Bend each finger one by one towards the center of your palm before straightening again. Repeat 5x.

Hand Curls

Make the hand into a “C” or “O” shape and then flatten back to a straight line. Repeat this motion as possible.

Thumb-Pinky Touches

With the hand straight, move the thumb and pinky towards one another, trying to touch them. Return the hand straight. Repeat 10x.

Finger Lifts

Place the hand flat on a hard surface, palm down. Spread the fingers and lift each finger upwards as far as possible. Repeat 10x.

Soft Squeezes

If you have a soft ball (such as a stress ball) or towel, hold the object and squeeze gently. Repeat 10x.

With arthritis, you will find that certain exercises may aggravate or help your symptoms. While this is typically individual and a physical therapist can help find environmental changes that can help avoid movements that aggravate your symptoms, there are a few things we recommend avoiding. For one, continual repetitive movements such as typing or texting can lead to a progression of symptoms. Another is heavy lifting, especially if you have pain while doing this. To find individual patterns, logging activity over time and resultant symptoms can help identify any triggers.

Let’s Get Started! 

Residents of Parlin, New Jersey, should look no further than Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Parlin to meet with one of our highly trained physical therapists. To schedule your first appointment and get started, contact our office today by calling 732-238-8484 or visiting our website.

Schedule an

After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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