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Twin Boro Physical Therapy offers state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment and methods for knees and other extremeties. Many of our expert physical therapists, hand therapists, and occupational therapists have over 25 years of experience, and this experience, when combined with the latest scientific methods, leads to truly outstanding results. Residents in Hoboken interested in how Twin Boro Physical Therapy can benefit them should visit our Hoboken location to get started today.

Physical Therapy for Knee Hoboken, NJAt Twin Boro Physical Therapy, each patient is paired one-on-one with an expert therapist to allow for individualized attention during the care process. As the rehabilitation program progresses, it is common for certain therapy modalities to lead to significant improvements, while others appear to be less effective. At this time, the overseeing physical therapist can make real-time adjustments so that every mode of treatment is designed with intention and no time of the patient is wasted.

In addition to real-time adjustments, one-on-one attention allows for physical therapists to incorporate more engaged treatments into the care plan. This includes treatments such as manual joint manipulation, manual massage, ultrasound, and manual stretching and strength training, among others. By incorporating a diverse set of treatments, patients are able to achieve more comprehensive rehabilitation and improve the quality and longevity of their results.

Top 5 Low Impact Cardio Exercises

When it comes to knee pain, it can be tough to improve cardiovascular fitness without putting pressure on the joints. However, low-impact cardio is a great way to keep up cardiovascular fitness without further putting stress on the knees. You are able to ramp up intensity and duration over time, and don’t be afraid to mix up the activities!

Once you decide to try out a new low-impact cardio routine, it can feel daunting to decide which activity to try. Below we have listed our favorite low-impact movements to raise your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

  • Walking. First and foremost, we have walking. Walking is a great way to move your body without putting excess pressure on your joints. It is accessible for people of all fitness levels and the pace, distance, and intensity can be modified based on your personal needs. If you are looking to build strength during your walks, try going on a route with a few hills!
  • Swimming. If you have access to a pool at your local fitness center, YMCA, neighborhood, or other locations, swimming is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness while strengthening muscles over your whole body. Over time, you will be able to swim longer lengths, so don’t be afraid to just start with a few laps!
  • Elliptical. The elliptical is a great stationary machine that mimics the motion of running without putting pressure on your joints. It is also a great full-body workout as your upper body is needed to keep the machine moving.
  • Cycling. Cycling, whether outside or on a stationary bike, is also a great way to keep up your heart rate with no impact on your joints. If you are outside and looking to increase difficulty, try incorporating a few hills into your workout!
  • Yoga. Yoga is a great way to increase your heart rate while building strength, stability, and flexibility. Try out different types of yoga flows, such as Hatha or Vinyasa, to see what you like!

Let’s Get Started

When it comes to knee pain, physical therapy is a great way to understand your symptoms, treat your condition, and find new ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. If you live or work in Hoboken and are ready to get started today, call Twin Boro Physical Therapy Hoboken at 201.494.2060 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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