51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Do you have daily aches and pains or a general feeling that something isn’t quite right but you can’t place why? We’re here to help. Residents of Bayville, NJ, should look to our experts at Twin Boro Physical Therapy Toms River for a complimentary consultation. Our highly skilled physical therapists will develop a training plan specifically tailored to your needs and help you reach your wellness goals.

Physical Therapy in Bayville, NJ

Twin Boro Physical Therapy is the largest private physical therapy practice in the state of New Jersey. With 51 convenient locations across 16 counties, you are never far from state-of-the-art rehabilitation methods and expert therapists. Many of our physical therapists, occupational therapist, and hand therapists have over 25 years of experience.

What Makes Twin Boro Different?

To us here at Twin Boro Physical Therapy, every patient is an individual with a unique backstory and needs. Because of this, we pair our patients one-on-one with an expert physical therapist. This allows us to closely monitor progress, continually assess and improve our training plans, make manual adjustments and cue correct form, and develop deep relationships with our clients. We want your physical therapy experience to fit seamlessly into your daily life to promote long-term results.

Beyond our one-on-one pairings, we use our trademarked One2FourTM approach to help further customize care for our clients. For the One2FourTM approach, clients are categorized into 4 groups that range from total dependence at home to ultra-athletic goals. This helps patients see exactly where they are and make tailored plans to promote progression towards where they want to go. This categorization also helps us provide additional resources to our patients based on what will be most beneficial to their current activity level and physical ability. As our patients progress through the categories, the resources they are connected to will change.

What Are the Most Common Age-Related Injuries?

As we age, it can feel as though the body is “giving out on us” and not responding as well to the stresses and strains as it used to. This is very normal. However, there is no reason to accept this as an unchangeable truth! Physical therapy can help you combat age-related issues and find a physical fitness level you didn’t believe was possible. A few of the most common age-related injuries are:

  • Hip Injuries: As we age, the bones and soft tissues weaken. In addition to this, tripping becomes much more common and can put additional stress on these already weakened structures. Because of this, hip fractures and dislocations are common. Physical therapy can help strengthen these structures and improve coordination, reducing tripping and the likelihood of injury.
  • Ankle Sprains: As we age, our coordination diminishes, and exercises that we used to do without conscious thought can lead to sprained or rolled ankles. Many older adults start to avoid certain exercises because they are afraid to hurt their ankles. Physical therapy helps to improve coordination and strengthen the muscles supporting the ankle, and our physical therapists will recommend tactics to exercise in ways that promote health rather than causing pain.
  • Lower Back Injury: Over time, ligaments in the back thicken, spinal discs degenerate, and joints in the back can develop arthritis. All of these factors contribute to lower back injuries in older adults becoming more common. Physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles in the back and reduce pain, preventing aggravation and improving quality of life.

Ready to Start?

Physical therapy is for everyone, and people who live or work in Bayville, NJ, should check out Twin Boro Physical Therapy Toms River to get started. We can be contacted by calling 732-255-7888, or by visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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