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Ridgefield, New Jersey residents looking for the best physical therapy available should check out Twin Boro Physical Therapy in Hoboken for high-quality rehabilitative care. We are the largest physical therapy network in the state and have been voted the best. It is our dedication to patient care and outstanding results that have earned us this title and we are dedicated to continuing to reach new levels.

Physical Therapy in Ridgefield, NJFor over 40 years, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has treated New Jersey residents with compassion, respect, and commitment. We want every patient to feel like the valued member of our community they are, and because of this, we make sure to wholly involve patients in their care. For the best results, your rehabilitation plans should fit seamlessly into your daily life so you can maintain results long-term.

When you come in for an appointment, one of our expert physical therapists will perform a complete assessment of your condition and concerns. This will likely include, but is not limited to, your current strength, flexibility, range of motion, mobility, body history, anatomy, and length of time since injury. In addition to this, we will work with your schedule and lifestyle to find a schedule of in-clinic and at-home therapeutic methods that works for you.

How to Alternate Cold and Heat Therapy

Cold and heat therapy are both beneficial to promote healing and improve pain levels, but they are used in different situations. Cold therapy is used more commonly for inflammation and recent injuries, while heat therapy is more beneficial for chronic irritation and reducing stiffness.

When you apply cold therapy, blood vessels within the body contract. This is called vasoconstriction. When this happens, blood circulation reduces and pain decreases. When you remove the cold, the veins expand. This is called vasodilation. The influx of blood to the area following cold therapy being removed helps bring nutrients to the area and promote healing.

Alternating heat and cold therapy can stimulate circulation and effectively reduce pain and other symptoms. It is especially useful for conditions such as osteoarthritis, DOMS, or sports injuries.

In order to effectively alternate ice and heat, alternate between the 2 modalities for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Make sure the temperatures are comfortable and there is a layer of cloth between the ice and the skin. Contact a physical therapist for advice on whether this is appropriate for your condition and how long to perform this therapy.

When not to Use Ice and Heat Therapy

In general, heat should not be used on a new injury, an open wound, or if the person is already hot. Ice should not be used if the person is already cold or has stiff muscles. In addition to this, people with diabetes, Raynaud’s syndrome, or other conditions in which sensation is limited should not use this mode of treatment as they may not be able to tell when the temperatures are too extreme.

Contact Us Today

New clients should feel welcome to contact our office for their first appointment. From there, we will let you know your next steps and how to easily integrate physical therapy into your life. Many of our patients have worked with us consistently over the years and we are confident you will be able to achieve the same excellent results. For those living or working in Ridgefield, New Jersey, our Twin Boro Physical Therapy Hoboken office will be the best choice for you. We can be reached by calling 201-963-8808 or visiting our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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