51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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Is an injury or pain preventing you from feeling comfortable in your daily life or performing your favorite activities? Physical therapy may be able to help you. If you live or work in Rutherford, NJ, begin your journey with our Twin Boro Physical Therapy office in Hoboken to see how physical therapy can transform your life and wellness.

Physical Therapy in Rutherford, NJWith 51 convenient locations across 16 counties, we at Twin Boro Physical Therapy aim to provide accessible, high-quality rehabilitative care to as many New Jersey residents as possible. We employ expertly trained hand therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. In fact, many of our experts have over 25 years of experience providing innovative solutions and treatment programs for patients.

What is our One2FourTM Approach?

We believe there is a continuum between the person feeling like they struggle to walk around the grocery store aisles and the person who just completed their third triathlon. Our One2FourTM approach is the link between these two people. We designed this program specifically to provide the resources to our patients to move along this continuum and achieve levels of fitness and movement they previously thought were out of reach.

We categorize our patients into four groups. Group 1 includes patients with complete dependence and who need assistance at home, Group 2 includes patients who range from needing maximal assistance to being independent at home, Group 3 includes patients who are independent at home to having athletic goals, and Group 4 includes patients with athletic goals to ultra-athletic goals.

Within each category, patients will be connected to medical resources to help improve health in a variety of ways. Our team is comprised of medical professionals with a broad range of expertise to link patients in each group with the care needed to move along the continuum into the next category. Patients will have a clear idea of their starting point and end goal, as well as every step along the way that needs to be taken to move from one place to the other.

Being able to see progress helps our patients feel motivated and in charge of their care. If something doesn’t seem to be working, our physical therapists are also able to identify the problem and develop an alternate solution to continue progression towards meeting (or exceeding!) the goals set by the patient and physical therapist together.

Who Is Eligible for Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is for anyone who does not feel their physical ability is at the level they wish it to be. Whether you are rehabilitating from a serious injury or chronic disease or you are trying to prevent injuries while training with a sports team, our physical therapists can diagnose and assess your condition to create a personalized training program.

We have an extensive sports rehabilitation program as well as a highly developed WorkCare program. No matter your circumstance, we will do our best to guide you down the correct avenues and connect you with the people and resources needed for you to have the most stress-free and effective journey back to health.

Contact Us

If physical therapy sounds like something that may benefit you, waste no time in contacting us today! Residents of Rutherford, NJ, should reach out to our Twin Boro Physical Therapy office in Hoboken by calling 201-963-8808 or by visiting our website.

Schedule an

After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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