51 Locations in 16 New Jersey Counties
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When people think about physical therapy, they often think about injury recovery, disease management, and fostering independence for those with movement difficulties. While these are important conditions that physical therapy can benefit, physical therapy extends far beyond these bounds. Anybody who believes they can benefit from improving their movement abilities, balance, or confidence is an excellent candidate for physical therapy. Residents of Wallington, New Jersey, should discuss with a trained provider at Twin Boro Physical Therapy Hoboken to schedule their first appointment today.

Physical Therapy in Rutherford, NJ

Since 1980, Twin Boro Physical Therapy has been a way for New Jersey residents to seek the care they need to build the skills to live their happiest life. Whether you need help walking up stairs or you are trying to safely pick up a new sport, our experts at Twin Boro Physical Therapy will carefully assess your current condition and develop a plan to build the skills you need to be successful.

With 27 locations across 16 counties, Twin Boro Physical Therapy is the largest private physical therapy network in the state. Our patients are of all backgrounds, ages, and lifestyles, and we do our best to customize care plans to the needs of every patient’s unique lifestyle and body needs. We want you to sustain results over the lifetime, so it is crucial that you and your physical therapist build a plan that fits seamlessly into your daily or weekly routine.


Tennis elbow can originate from a number of activities, ranging from racquet sports to yard work. If you start feeling pain in the outside of the elbow, we recommend making an appointment with one of our physical therapists to assess the site and ensure you are not accidentally causing more damage that could lead to complications down the line.

How is Tennis Elbow Diagnosed? 

When you come in for your appointment, your physical therapist will be looking for answers to the following questions, among others:

  • What are the symptoms?
  • Where are the symptoms located?
  • What is the duration and intensity of symptoms?
  • What activities aggravate the symptoms?
  • Have you had an elbow injury recently?
  • Do you have a history of arthritis?
  • Do you have a history of any other diseases?
  • What activities do you perform frequently?
  • What is your occupation?
  • Could your environment be contributing to this pain?

After looking for answers to these questions, your physical therapist will likely ask you to perform movement tests such as straightening the wrist and fingers (with or without resistance) while the arm is straight. Any pain from this may be an indication of muscle damage in the forearm and your treatment plan will be adjusted accordingly.

To rule out any other conditions, you may be asked to have certain tests such as an electromyography (EMG), a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, or x-rays.

After diagnosis, most cases of tennis elbow are treated non-surgically. However, in extreme cases, or if you are not responding to non-surgical treatment, surgical intervention may help to reduce symptoms.

Let’s Get Started

At Twin Boro Physical Therapy, we have helped patients across the state diagnose and rehabilitate chronic and acute conditions. We provide patients with a safe space to address their concerns and foster a sense of community between patients and therapists. For those living in Wallington, New Jersey, reach out to our Hoboken Twin Boro Physical Therapy location to get started today. We can be reached by calling 201-963-8808 or visit our website.

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After submitting the form, a Twin Boro specialist will contact you within 24-48 hours to discuss your symptoms and schedule your evaluation appointment.

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